Four Columns & Image on Top

Let’s get real-time [art blog]

I'm trying an experiment, as a part of my deep dive into realtime rendering and graphics. Let's see if we can't get a live rendered spinning monkey head to show up on this blog post. The light source should also roughly follow the mouse position. Let's see if this works. 🤞 *may have issues on…

“Masks” – Abstract art piece [art blog]

Created this piece for a college class where we were asked to visually represent two different “masks” of our personality. I went a little abstract and chose engineer, and dreamer. Enjoy.

Pipeline practice – I tried inking [art blog]

10/25/16 “I guess you gotta start somewhere…” is starting to become my motto. But I got no other good ideas for catchphrases to keep telling myself so I don’t give up. *Quest for positivity* I keep thinking I’m gonna look back in a handful of years from now and laugh, either at how bad my skills ‘were’, or… at how quickly…

Working with 3D – playing around with Houdini [art blog]

10/24/16 After having been preoccupied with other projects for a while I thought I’d try and learn a new 3D package…

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Three Columns & Image on Top

Let’s get real-time [art blog]

I'm trying an experiment, as a part of my deep dive into realtime rendering and graphics. Let's see if we can't get a live rendered spinning monkey head to show up on this blog post. The light source should also roughly follow the mouse position. Let's see if this works. 🤞 *may have issues on…

“Masks” – Abstract art piece [art blog]

Created this piece for a college class where we were asked to visually represent two different “masks” of our personality. I went a little abstract and chose engineer, and dreamer. Enjoy.

Pipeline practice – I tried inking [art blog]

10/25/16 “I guess you gotta start somewhere…” is starting to become my motto. But I got no other good ideas for catchphrases to keep telling myself so I don’t give up. *Quest for positivity* I keep thinking I’m gonna look back in a handful of years from now and laugh, either at how bad my skills ‘were’, or… at how quickly…

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Two Columns & Image on Top + Post Date

One Column & Image on Top + Post Date + Link Button

Image on Left + Random Posts

You can choose how your posts will appear, sorted by date, custom, random, and other types… you choose.

Pipeline practice – I tried inking [art blog]

10/25/16 “I guess you gotta start somewhere…” is starting to become my motto. But I got no other good…

Iterative drawing exercise – Self Portrait Sketch [art blog]

10/22/16 Got the idea to do an iterative drawing exercise from “Draw with Jazza” on YouTube (video linked…

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Masonry Blog Posts

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